I have shown hundreds of
menopausal women how
to ditch fatigue so they
can recover their energy,
regain their MOJO and
boost their metabolism.
The Menopause
Menopause Doesn't
Have to Mean Mayhem!
The journey through perimenopause into menopause can be a rough one for many. For some, it can feel like puberty all over again, whilst, for others, it feels like you have just aged 10 years overnight. And the worst part is that nobody prepares you for it
– not your GP, not sex education in school... and perhaps not even your own mother!
Whether it's unexplained tiredness or fatigue, out-of-the-blue low moods or mood swings, painful headaches or joint pain, or unwanted belly fat or stubborn weight (which won't budge no matter how little you eat or how much exercise you do)...
There must be a better way to embrace this unavoidable midlife journey. [HINT: There is!]
Why Work With Me
Say Hello To Your Best Years Ahead!
The menopause years can be a journey of ups and downs for many women and it can sometimes feel like you'll never feel normal again! That’s where I come in. I’m here to support you through this journey so you finally recover your energy, clear the fog, control your mood, lose excess body fat for good, and rid yourself of other niggling symptoms. We do this with the foundations... known as The Essential Pillars of Menopause Health!
You’ll never feel alone again
I’m in this life stage, too! I know what you’re going through. Burnout? Fatigue? A foggy mind and belly fat? – There is a proven method.
One that does not require you to take medications that you don't want to take. One where there are no ridiculous food rules that leave you depressed and starving. One that does not force you to do hours of cardio. No antidepressants. No random supplements (that you have no idea if they actually work). No miserable fad diets that do not work.
A method where you take back control of YOUR health.
Take back control of your energy, body, and life.
It’s time to look at yourself in the mirror again, reflecting your beauty inside and out. You’re in for a total makeover to become yourself again.
To do this, we’ll take a holistic approach that builds on intuitive eating and lifelong changes to your lifestyle, by understanding your symptoms, observing physical manifestations, measuring your levels of stress, and investigating your gut health and your ability to control your blood sugar.
All of this is supported and backed up by functional testing, including the incredibly informative (and foundational) mineral testing.
Why Mineral Test?
Minerals – the ‘spark plugs’ of life – are essential to keep the entire body running efficiently. By analysing mineral status, balance, and ratios, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your physical and emotional body is reacting to hormonal changes during perimenopause and menopause.
Mineral testing is the first (and incredibly important) step in my approach, as it gives significant insights into many biological functions. This is part of the reason my success rate with clients is so high - because we go upstream to the root cause of symptoms.
For every client I work 1:1 with, we run a foundational mineral test. For those working with me in my 6-month programme - The ReVitalise Method - we are also able to run further functional tests, if necessary, such as gut health testing, hormone testing and thyroid testing.
These are tests that are not available on the NHS.
Here’s How I Can Help You
It’s time for the RIGHT approach to managing your perimenopause and post-menopause years.
If you’re like most of the time-pressed women I work with, you may feel like you’ve reached. a dead-end. You may have tried HRT, supplements or herbs, restrictive diets or exercising more, but nothing is working anymore (if it ever did) or actually fixing how you are feeling.
My goal is to help you feel like YOURSELF again!
ReVitalise Your Menopause
Recover your energy, achieve sustainable weight, restore hormonal balance and feel like yourself again, inside this 6-month signature coaching programme, designed to make women over 40 feel great again!
The Energy + Mood ScoreCard
Discover what's really causing your fatigue, loss of motivation, slowed down metabolism or brain fog with the Energy + Mood Scorecard. This is a great first step to understanding what might be causing your symptoms
The Mineral Balance Formula
Regain Your Energy, Improve Your Mood, Clear Your Mind,
and Get Symptom-Free with mineral balnacing! This package is for those who want to get started on their journey to being symptom free, with minerals testing
What Other Women Say…
Hear Transformational Stories From Empowered Women I Worked With
"I used to drag myself out of bed feeling exhausted in the mornings, often not properly getting dressed or even brushing my hair!
I would often have to lie down on the bed at lunch time because I felt so exhausted and heavy. I stopped doing lots of things socially because I felt I had to conserve energy and gradually over time didn’t even really go out of the house much unless I had to.
My life was quite miserable thinking back. I am so grateful that you have been able to help me. I have noticed that I don’t struggle with some things like I used. I have way more energy now especially in the mornings and I am starting to look forward to doing things again."
Kate Currie
Surrey, UK
“Where do I start? I had extreme tiredness, moodiness, and sleepless nights. Night sweats too. A plethora of symptoms.
I could just about manage to do my job and nothing else and it was worrying me. I had never experienced tiredness like this before in my life.
A week or 2 in, I started to notice changes. I started sleeping better, the night sweats started to calm down. And my energy started coming back, which was quite surprising! My mental stability improved greatly over time. And even the weight in my mid-region and hips started to come off, something I hadn’t even focused on. Time went so fast, and I’m so grateful for the programme. I couldn’t have imagined feeling like this. I’m very grateful, thank you so much, Vanessa!."
Simone Crichelowe
Reading, UK
"Wow is the one word I would use to describe the Revitalise Programme with Vee. I joined in Sept '22 and was on the floor both physically and emotionally. A difficult time with hormones, mixed with life stress, had taken it out of me. Vee’s knowledge and approach to my recovery journey has been outstanding, and she has educated and supported my slow return to myself again.
I would wholeheartedly recommend this programme to everyone as it is unique to your own vitality requirements. Great value for money and that all-important investment in yourself! Thank you, Vee."
Julie Clarke
"After hitting menopause, I have struggled with weight loss, no matter what I tried. In desperation I decided to work with Vanessa and try mineral testing. The results were surprising!
Vanessa came up with a protocol based on my metabolic type, very different to what I had been doing. The results have been amazing! I started at 69.4 kilos, and just 6 weeks later, I was 66.3 kilos (having not been able to lose an ounce!).
I also have noticed my energy is better and my moods have improved. Sleep is also improving. I am looking forward to seeing how my minerals have changed when we do another test after 3 months."
Anita Washbourn
Surrey, UK
"I had zero energy and often fell asleep at my desk in the afternoons. I had acid reflux, brain fog, dizziness and hot and cold sweats. Since working with Vee, I have more energy, I don’t have the 3 pm afternoon slump at work and am slowly recovering my life now with my friends. I feel like the young at heart, fun-loving, energetic me is slowly returning. I love the fact I am on fewer prescribed tablets from the doctor and am working to come off them completely…and I have lost over a stone in weight!"
Leigh Doyle
"It was hard work finding the energy for a normal day. I had ongoing headaches and sudden weight gain, as well as a really bad memory and a complete lack of concentration was making work difficult too. I no longer have the headaches. I have lost 1/2 stone in weight, and have my energy back, plus I've lost the brain fog. Try it, you will feel better!"
Gail Maguire
“I had attended one of Vee's talks and that had me thinking. I bumped into a friend that day too, she had been with Vee a while and it had made such a difference to her, you could see it. On my first appointment I could hardly walk up the stairs, my brain was foggy and my body just didn't want to move. I slept at every opportunity. By the next appointment I had lost my brain fog and had started being awake all day and not nodding off! I just improved at each appointment and lost some pounds as a bonus. I am now considered "active" as opposed to "couch" and last week I hit "very active" on the app I use. I now feel I'm living again. Thank you Vee for helping me to become me again."
Mandy N.
“All aspects of the program were helpful to me personally. I’m interested in learning about how all parts of the program affect our health. It’s definitely a program worth doing for overall health benefits including environmental factors etc so there’s nothing to lose in my opinion. Definitely give it a go!"
Rachel Duke
Vee Vital. Vee You.
Ready To Reclaim Your Best Self?
Schedule a free, no-obligation 30-minute Menopause Assessment Call with me to start the process.
Wanna know what’s really going on with your mood and energy?
Get the informative “Energy & Mood ScoreCard” for Free!
Sign up below to discover your personal score on the energy and mood scale, and help you identify the root causes of your biggest midlife issues.
Let’s Vee Friends!
Follow me on my socials and
let’s journey through menopause together!
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Reclaim Your Best Self With A Community That Cares
Going through menopause can be a challenging period for women of all ages. Hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue can make it difficult for women to keep up with their daily routines and take care of themselves. That is why it is essential to have a supportive community of women who are going through similar experiences and can provide comfort and understanding.
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